
Joyeuse de Champigneulle Family

Since the publication of Roland-Yves Gagné and Laurent Kokanosky's 2007 article regarding the ancestry of Phillipe Amiot, his wife Anne Couvent, and her nephew Toussaint Ledran, there has been a growing interest in the Joyeuse de Champigneulle family among French-Canadian genealogists. This is because Anne Couvent and her sister Charlotte Couvent descend through this family from the Joyeuse, counts of Grandpré, family and thus back to the kings of France. Recently the work of Gagné and Kokanosky has come under criticism focusing on the 1733 manuscript genealogy of the Joyeuse family that they relied on in their article. Specifically, Charles Cawley at Medieval Lands has made several critical observations concerning the de Joyeuse portion of this royal gateway lineage. This web page presents the English translation of Gagné and Kokanosky's article, a rebuttal to Cawley's critical observations of this article, and provides digital images of the 1733 genealogy as well as a transcription and translation of this document.
Roland-Yves Gagné and Laurent Kokanosky, "The Origins of Phillipe Amiot (Hameau), His Spouse Anne Couvent, and Their Nephew Toussaint Ledran," Michigan's Habitant Heritage: Part 1, vol. 42, no. 1 (Jan. 2021): 11-25; Part 2, vol. 42, no. 2 (Apr. 2021): 71-84; Part 3, vol. 42, no. 3 (July 2021): 169-180; and Part 4, vol. 42, no. 4 (Oct. 2021): 218-229. Posted here courtesy of the French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan. |
The Joyeuse Ancestry of the Couvents, my observations regarding the 1733 Joyeuse genealogy and rebuttal to Cawley's connents (reference below). |
The 1733 Joyeuse Genealogy, found in the papers of Pierre Hanonnet, royal notary. This original document is courtesy of the Departmental Archives of Meuse. |
The 1733 Proxy Letter, Gagné's copy of the proxy letter from the Departmental Archives of Meuse. |
Transcription of the 1733 Joyeuse Genealogy and Proxy Letter, done by Baptiste Étienne with added punctation for clarity. |
Translation of the 1733 Joyeuse Genealogy and Proxy Letter, done by Paul-Antoine Lavoie with edits and footnotes by John P. DuLong. |
The relevant bibliographic citations are as follows:
Roland-Yves Gagné and Laurent Kokanosky, "Les origines de Philippe Amiot (Hameau), de son épouse Anne Couvent et de leur neveu Toussaint Ledran," Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française 58, no. 1, issue 251 (Spring 2007): 17-58.
Pierre Hanonnet, "Du dit jour acte de généalogie de la maison de Joyeuse fait à la requete de Me Jean Baptiste de Joyeuse passe par devant hannonet notaire à Verdun le 20 mars 1733 reçû dix sol," Departmental Archives of Meuse, 12 E 188, Contrôle des actes, C 3499, f. 130v.
Charles Cawley, "Medieval Lands: Champagne Nobility Porcien, Rethel, Grandpre," https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/champorret.htm?fbclid=IwAR1ol8dOeq2oOEjhxkAoLONMliu6-5PlpjyvC-yKGH6CC4Bav-MBMxlWEcc#FrancoisJoyeusedied1556B (accessed 9 Jan. 2023). (See my rebuttal, "The Joyeuse Ancestry of the Couvents," link above).
Armoral lineages from Anne Couvent back to several royal houses can be found at Anne Couvent: Seven Royal Lineages with Arms. Information about the project that led to this royal gateway can be found at: Projet de recherche Longueval / Longueval Research Project.

This page, and all contents, are Copyright
© 1995 by John P. DuLong, Berkley, MI. Created 20 February 2023, Modified
25 February 2023. |